Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Problem-Solution Essay: Alternative Energy or Die!

Offshore drilling has affected the environmental greatly in the past year. On April 20, 2010, BP suffered from an oil spill that is still affecting us five months later. Recently, Mariner Energy suffered from an oil spill. Although the Mariner Energy oil spill was not as bad as the BP oil spill, it still will have a lasting effect on the environment. Animals such as, birds, turtles, and mammals have been affected by the oil. Many have died but thanks to volunteers, some animals have been saved. It was a huge shocker when the news got around that two oil rigs exploded in one year. As the humans that watch over the earth put in our hands, why would we take part in even the slightest chance of killing our environment that we must live on and our children’s children must live on for generations? With this situation at hand, I recommend that we work harder to find an alternative energy source that will give humans a safe and efficient way to create energy that can power transportation and produce consumer goods.
            Any way of transportation involves the use of oil that is drilled from the oil rigs, such as the one that exploded. Transportation is not the only thing used by humans that involves oil. Many of our consumer goods are made with the oil that is drilled. Artificial turf, toilet seats, sun glasses, toys, telephones, ( and many more items are made using the oil that now affects our environment and kills our animals. It would be impossible for us to just stop using these items. I understand we are human and we cannot just drop everything and forget about it. An alternative energy source could help us design a new way of making these items. Some energy sources have already been found such as; biomass energy, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, and hydroelectric energy (Alternative Energy). All of the above energy sources are renewable which is exactly what the environment needs. Marek Walisiewicz, author, states the types of alternative energy and how it would affect and change the world we live in (Alternative Energy). If we can cut back on the amount of energy we use then we can just recycle and reuse. The same concept of recycling and reusing would be used to produce the consumer goods. Most of the trash that gets thrown out by humans can be recycled into difference consumer goods that are needed. This does sound highly unlikely but if we test different options then we can find one that fits our economy and our way of life. Researchers in China recently found a scheme that would reduce the pollutants by 45-50% and would reduce the wastewater by 32-35% (Li). If American follows in their example and come together with other countries, as the world together we could come up with a way of helping the environment in more of an impact.
            An option many people may bring up is onshore drilling. I say touché for bring up an excellent point. Onshore drilling does prevent oil spills in the water that are much harder to contain. John A. Sullivan wrote an article that shows the demand for onshore drilling rising by stating, “A role in the Davy Jones ultra-deep natural gas well in the Gulf of Mexico and a forecast for a rise in onshore drilling topped Rowan Companies quarterly earnings call this month” (Natural Gas Week). Onshore drilling decreases the affect on animal life if an oil spill does occur. If an onshore oil plant does, however, leak or cause an oil spill then it would be easier to get to the problem and cap it off before it causes great danger to the life around it.
            Onshore drilling may sound like a good idea for containment purposes but if an oil spill does occur, humans would get affected first. The ground would soak up the loose oil and stay there for a while. The ground would be contaminated and we would be unable to use it. Children would have to refrain from playing outside because of toxics that could possibly enter their system and playing in the grass. Gas prices would once again be affected by the oil spill. Christopher Steiner, author of $20 Per Gallon, states that, “You cannot open a newspaper, national or local, that doesn’t feature a prominent story with some angle on gas prices” (1). Many people complain about the increasing gas prices. Which I completely agree but there is a bigger picture to the problem of the oil spills. Humans and animals getting affected and also the major impact the oil will have on our land in a couple of years. Alternative energy could be the solution to the ever growing gas prices and the contamination of the humans and animals.
            Alternative energy may be expensive but switching would positively impact the habitat of animals and humans. Contamination would happen on a smaller scale. Alternative energy also gives people the option to choose what type of source they would like to use and best suits the circumstances. Although alternative energy is a big change for America and even the world, it would greatly impact everything around us even if we do not see the change right away. Producing goods and fueling transportation are two of the most important resources in our nation. Alternative energy gives the world a chance to live longer and allows humans to be safer.  

Work Cited
"Alterative Energy." Alternative Energy - Wind, Solar, Hydro and Other Alt Energy Sources. 2010. Web. 29 Sept. 2010.
Li, Hui, et al. "Cleaner production alternatives for saponin industry by recycling starch." Resources, Conservation & Recycling 54.12 (2010): 1145+. Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources. Web. 29 Sept. 2010.
"Products Made from Oil |" Celebrate Aging! | ELDR Media, 2008. Web. 29 Sept. 2010.
Steiner, Christopher. $20 Per Gallon: How the Inevitable Rise in the Price of Gasoline Will Change Our Lives for the Better. New York: Grand Central, 2009. Print.
Sullivan, John A. "Rowan CEO: demand rising for DeepWater, onshore drilling rigs." Natural Gas Week 15 Mar. 2010: 7. Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources. Web. 29 Sept. 2010.
Walisiewicz, Marek. Alternative Energy. Ed. John Gribbin. New York, NY: DK Pub., 2002. Print. Essential Science.


Riddle 1

Bringing a new brighter beginning

Clear the cloud of clumsiness

Picture frame that prances with people

Moving with me as if made as a corner store

Attached at the angle-screw

Fall faster from force with a crack

Riddle 2

Separate by sector-divider

Together with a the totem of a deer

Love flows through the language let out

Patience is pretty trickey

Labor to let it last

Worth all the waiting in the world

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I am Jessica, queen of the tractor

Country charm because of blood

Goalie master, foot of steel

I’m the rainbow of my family

Pride runs through my perfect veins

Friendly soldiers surround me with mighty swords

Knowledge breaks the walls that hold it

Trouble escapes my fingertips

Stand taller than skyscrapers

Born in the tropics

Later to use a blood-ember to build

Holds hammer in hand

With God’s beacon on my back

Learned well from a worker of wood

Family fills the room

I am by far the best

Stout-hearted to the core

Not easily put down

Ready to defend beliefs

Never to hold a regret

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Journal 10

Many hero stories or poems always get told from the perspective of the hero or someone telling the story about the hero. Not many stories or poems are about the monster that was defeated or their point of view. Gardner took the original hero story to the next level. By telling Grendel’s point of view, the readers learned how he felt about the humans and why he was considered an evil monster. As Grendel told the story of his past to his present, the reader starts to see everything he has learned from the humans, such as his expansion in vocabulary. The reader also sees what caused the confrontation between Hrothgar’s kingdom and Grendel. Seeing Grendel’s status as a monster gives the reader the dark side of what is going on and Grendel also gets to see what is going on in the forest between the kingdoms and the people that others do not see in a hero story.

Journal 9

In the poem “The Seafarer,” the narrator has spent the majority of his life on a ship roaming the sea. The loyalty he has shown has been to his ship. In this case it would be a materialist idol. He refuses to go back to land but later on in the poem you see that he is suffering from being alone and without human interaction. This shows the tragedy of separation that relates this poem to the Anglo-Saxon ideal.

In the poem “The Wife’s Lament,” the narrator’s loyalty is to her husband. Although he is away and his family does not want him to be with her, she still remains loyal and waits for him to return. The poem states, “Grief must always be for him who yearning longs for his beloved.” She longs to be with him and does not worry about anyone else. The tragedies of separation make her grief and suffer from the distance and not being able to be with her husband.

Journal 8

Grendel mocks the Anglo-Saxon literature Beowulf. Grendel is very sarcastic and mocks the fact that Beowulf is based on heroism. Grendel ends up disliking people in general which is the opposite of heroism. Grendel does not try to be a hero except for the couple of times he actually did something good. That was when his perspective on life was different, which is also a major focus in Grendel. Grendel is practically defending himself on how easily Beowulf killed him in Grendel. He states that he slipped on blood which is how Beowulf got the advantage. In Beowulf it just says that Beowulf defeated the evil monster Grendel. Beowulf and Grendel both follow the same themes just in different senses. This is a major reason that Grendel is a parody of Beowulf.

Journal 7

In the poem “Seafarer,” the poet wrote, “And forth in sorrow and fear and pain…/On an ice-cold sea, whirled in sorrow…/ That he feels no fear as the sails unfurl…” In these three lines the words sorrow and fear were both used twice. These would be motifs used to express the emotion within the poet. In the poem “The Wife’s Lament,” the poet wrote, “Under the oak-tree, in this earthy borrow…/Under the oak-tree round this earthy cave…” The poet reuses the image of an oak-tree which could represent a home changing over time because the line changes from earthy borrow to earthy cave. She is waiting all this time for this man and the earth changes every day. “Seafarer” has motifs that more relate to emotions while the motifs in “The Wife’s Lament” are object related to the time period and time changing.

Journal 6

Every chapter in Grendel has a zodiac sign that the chapter represents. Throughout the story, Grendel has shown something from every part of his life. The beginning is his past and then it goes back to the present and then back to the past.

The first chapter has the zodiac sign of Aries. The first chapter opens up and it is the beginning of spring. Grendel has a flashback of when he was just born and exploring the forest and going deeper and deeper into the forest farther away from his cave. Grendel’s philosophical view in the first chapter is Orphism.

As chapter two starts, Grendel encounters a bull. The bull represents the zodiac sign of Taurus. During this, most of the characteristics of a Taurus are portrayed either by the bull or by Grendel. Grendel’s philosophical view in the second chapter is Solipsism. Grendel’s view is very solipsist because he has the mindset that he is the only one that exist and nothing else.

In chapter three, the zodiac sign that is represented is Gemini. Grendel sees the Shaper and listens to what the Shaper has to say. For some reason the Shaper is very persuasive and gets Grendel to believe things that he normally doesn’t think are true. Grendel’s philosophical view in the third chapter is sophism. Sophism is where they are capable of changing the truth.

In chapter four, Hrothgar tells his people that they want to construct another meadhall. Grendel finds a dead person that was killed by its own kind. Cancer is the zodiac sign that was represented in this chapter. Cancer is the crab which was mentioned in the chapter. Grendel’s philosophical view in chapter four is the Old Testament. Grendel is learning to see the good of the people but also the evil of the people such as killing their own kind. He saw two lovers but then he saw fighting and violence.

In chapter five, Grendel meets a dragon that explains life to him and the importance of certain things. The zodiac sign that is represented in this chapter is Leo. The Leo is the dramatizer. Grendel’s philosophical view in chapter five is nihilism. Nihilism is that values are unjustifiable. Nihilists believe in nothing.

In chapter six, Grendel gets attacked by guards and realizes that the dragon put a charm on him where weapons do not harm him. The zodiac sign that is represented in this chapter is Virgo. Grendel’s philosophical view in chapter six is ethical egoism. Ethical egoism is where people do things in their own self-interest.

In chapter seven, Hrothgar and Hygmod are about to battle but Hygmod offers Hrothgar a gift, Wealthow, to avoid fighting. The zodiac sign that is represented in this chapter is Libra. Grendel’s philosophical view in chapter seven is skepticism vs. New Testament.

In chapter eight, Hrothgar’s nephew, Hrothulf, comes to live with him because Halga was killed. The zodiac sign that is represented in this chapter is Scorpio. Grendel’s philosophical view in chapter eight is Machiavellianism. Machiavellianism is a person who has a tendency to deceive and manipulate others for personal gain.

In chapter nine, Grendel pretends to be The Destroyer and asks Ork to give him a synopsis of a metaphysical theory he has been working out. The zodiac sign that is represented in this chapter is Sagittarius. Grendel’s philosophical view in chapter nine is whitehead’s process. Whitehead’s process is the general theory of reality.

In chapter ten, Grendel watches a goat try to climb a mountain but keeps falling so Grendel just kills him. The zodiac sign that is represented in this chapter is Capricorn. Grendel’s philosophical view in chapter ten is Nietzsche. Nietzsche believes that God is dead and it results in radical perspectivism.

In chapter eleven, Beowulf comes to destroy Grendel. The zodiac sign that is represented in this chapter is Aquarius. Grendel’s philosophical view in chapter eleven is existentialism. Existentialism emphasizes the primacy of individual existence.

In chapter twelve, Grendel is defeated by Beowulf. The zodiac sign that is represented in this chapter is Pisces. Grendel’s philosophical view in chapter twelve is Empiricism. Empiricism is a theory that the origin of knowledge is sense experience. This is Grendel’s final view at the end of the novel.

Journal 5

Grendel is a fierce, strong monster that observes the human life form around him in anger and aggravation. Grendel is the antagonist in the poem Beowulf and the narrator in the book Grendel. Although the kingdom of Herot sees Grendel as a cold hearted evil creature, the book Grendel sometimes portrays Grendel as a semi-kind creature. At one point he took this woman, Wealtheow, and took her to his cave. He planned on raping her but instead he let her go. At some points Grendel does have a dark side though. Grendel saw a body of a Dane in the forest that was killed by another Dane. He was trying to show the humans how even they can be, but instead they saw him as the villain in their world on their land. He knocked down the door to the meadhall and asked for mercy but the Danes did not understand him. They chase him out of town. Grendel does occasionally show a sensitive kind side but for the most part, his thoughts and actions portray him as an evil monster which is strongly brought on by the actions of others.

Grendel isn’t just given the name of a horrible monster, he takes on the role. He is full of anger and rage. Grendel is a disgusting monster, eating the Danes and fighting everything that crosses his path that he doesn’t like. Beowulf is brought to destroy Grendel because Grendel keeps scaring and killing off the Danes. Some of this is not his fault because the Danes did not know how to react to a new creature such as Grendel that they have never seen before. When Grendel is a mere infant, the humans came across him and thought he was a tree spirit. When they started to talk Grendel realized that he could understand him but when he talked back they could not understand him. He started to talk louder and freaked out the humans. Ever since, they have lived in fear of Grendel.

Beowulf and Grendel both are set around 700 AD but no exact date is known. At this time, war, battling, and fighting are the main activities that take place. Fighting among clans and among friends was very common. They took out their anger through violence which was something that aggravated Grendel greatly. He didn’t see why people would kill people of their own kind. At this point Grendel believed that no one else existed except for him. No one else mattered.

This starts to get into the symbolism behind Grendel. Grendel could symbolize many of things. He could symbolize evil, the devil, hatred, or even immortality. In the story Grendel, Gardner compares Grendel’s lair to hell, so in a way, Grendel would be the devil. This follows the symbol of immortality because the devil is immortal. The dragon ends up making Grendel immune to human weapons which to the humans they thought he was immortal from dying all together. Grendel is also full of hatred. He comes from a horrible family that is cursed forever. Grendel also tends to find something about everything that he hates. The music that the harpist played upset Grendel even though it wasn’t horrible. He just didn’t like the meaning that represented the Danes as a group that they were proud of. In the end, Grendel could be portrayed as a good creature or a bad creature. He didn’t really start any of the mess he is in, but he did make things worse.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Journal 4

Anglo-Saxons had the same social class system as in Beowulf. They had a kingdom that had a king and an army. Peasants worked the fields and animals roamed free. Heroes were huge and honored greatly when they came to the kingdom. If a hero wanted, he could have the people go against the king and follow him but they don’t. The go to the kingdom and honor the king with their services. Staying loyal is a huge symbol in the Anglo-Saxon period. Beowulf came to Hrothgar’s kingdom to help him get rid of an evil monster that was disturbing his kingdom. All Hrothgar wanted was to keep his kingdom and his people safe. Beowulf wanted to honor the king and do as he asked. Beowulf risked his life for a king he just met but Beowulf believed that death brought something greater. This gave Beowulf the advantage of a hero because he had the mindset of one. Anglo-Saxons were strong people and loved power. Beowulf defeating Grendel would give the kingdom power such as the Anglo-Saxons desired. Loyalty and power were themes that occured in Beowulf regularly and also fit in with the Anglo-Saxon society.

Journal 3

Grendel, in the beginning, has never talked to a human or heard them speak. When he finally encounters a human, it happens to be the king of the kingdom. They believe Grendel is a tree spirit. When Grendel heard them talk he realizes that their language is somehow kin to his. He tries to speak to them but sees that they don’t understand him. As Grendel begins to grow up he acquires new words, mostly vulgar words and uses them a lot. When Grendel becomes much older, he becomes more poetic after his encounter with the Shaper and listening to his music. Grendel seems to dislike language because of its various tongues but appreciates the poetic rhythm and the quality of words. He becomes frustrated with the fact that humans can’t understand him and that his mother does not speak. Although the humans can’t understand him, he still learned from them.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Journal 2

A real life hero that reminds me of Beowulf is my Uncle Roy. He is a police officer for Mandeville. Every day he risks his life to save victims from criminals. He comes close to death when he gets a call about an armed person. He never knows if something will happen to him but yet, he still does it. My uncle is a brave man for joining the police force and helping save peoples’ lives. Beowulf also risks his life for other people that he doesn’t even know. He destroys the town’s enemy kind of like how my uncle does for the city. He defeats the evil in the city by putting them away in jail. Beowulf only protected this city from major danger once, my uncle, on the other hand, saves the city’s life daily. In my opinion, he is braver than Beowulf ever was.

Journal 1

A fictional contemporary hero is Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman protects people from bad guys. These bad guys are either regular people or monsters. Wonder Woman is from a planet other than earth. She has a lasso and wrist bans that protect her from bullets. She occasionally helps Superman and other super heroes with problems going on in their town. Wonder Woman is a princess from her planet, but she goes to help other planets. The trouble she faces is mostly from people trying to take over planets. Wonder Woman represents female strength. She gives people hope for peace. Wonder Woman gives women hope that they can be what they want and do what they want.